Source 1 - Document
Sketch of Maine State Seal
Courtesy of the Maine State Archives
This black and white version of the state seal was sketched as part of the Maine Legislature’s 1820 resolution to decide on the seal design.
Maine became a state in March 1820. Three months later, in June 1820, the Maine Legislature decided on the design of the state seal. They made up rules about what should be in the seal, but it was drawn by different people and looked different over the years.
Source 2 - Image
Painting of Maine State Seal
Maine State Museum 72.36.1
This version of the state seal is colorful and artistic. It is painted on glass, with a dark frame around it. There are some cracks in the glass. Notice how this version of the seal has the same basic parts that the black and white sketch, but still looks very different!
This painted seal was made sometime between 1820 and 1860 and was probably used in the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.