Maine Industry Primary Source Sets

How do people handle challenges in the workplace?

Two quotes from factory workers comparing their work environments.

Source 1 - Document

A blue flag with gold trim and fringe. The flag reads 'Ships Carpenters Union Number 1953, Instituted Oct 17 1917, Portland Maine". There is a symbol in the middle of the flag that shows an anchor, an arm holding a hammer on a white shield and the mason's compass and set square.

Source 2 - Image

A large group of people standing outside a brick factory building. One man holds a sign that said 'The strike is on, don't scab, it's now or never.' The crowd of people includes men, women, children and a police officer.

Source 3 - Image

A group of teenagers and children, both boys and girls standing next to factory looms. There is one adult man in the picture.

Source 4 - Image

Maine Industry Primary Source Sets developed in collaboration between the Maine State Archives, Maine State Library, and Maine State Museum.

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