Bicentennial Primary Source Sets

Creating a Maine ldentity

Source 1 - Image

Source 2 - Artifact

Source 3 - Image

Constitution of Maine

We the people of that part of Massachusetts denominated the District of Maine in order to establish Justice, insure tranquility, provide for our mutual defense, promote our common welfare, and secure to ourselves & our posterity the blessings of Liberty acknowledging with gratefull hearts the goodness of the [CROSSED OUT Great Legislator] Sovereign ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity, so favourable, and imploring his aid & direction in accomplishing the design, do agree to form ourselves into a free and independent State by the Name and title style and title of “the Commonwealth of Maine” the State of Maine & do ordain & establish the following Constitution for the Government of the same.

Article 1st
Declaration of Rights

Sec. 1—All men are born equally free & independent & have certain natural inherent & unalienable Rights, among which are…

Source 4 - Document

Source 5 - Image

Source 6 - Image

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