Source 1 - Image

Source 2 - Document

Source 3 - Image


The former POW recalled how prisoners were given “lengths” of potato rows to pick. At the time, prisoners were given coupons equivalent to 80 cents a day, for their work. The coupons could be redeemed at the camp store. His next assignment was at Spencer Lake, where he harvested timber with Canadians and cut ice from December to March. It was then that he and two other POWs planned their great escape.

The trio stockpiled food and Keller said he had to “steal” a magnet to build a compass. They also “borrowed” maps of Maine from Canadians. The prisoners built snowshoes out of barrel staves according to NEWS re‐ports of the trio’s flight.

For four days, the men were the subject of a statewide search, which included the publishing of their prison‐camp photos in the newspaper. Meanwhile, Keller and his compatriots trudged through snow, mostly at night, the news reports said. “The snowshoes weren’t all that great,” he recalled for his audience.

News reports in 1945 said the prisoners were captured by game wardens near West Forks, about 28 miles from Spencer Lake camp. After being recaptured, Keller was interrogated by the FBI, who asked where the trio was heading. “Away from the camp,” was the escapee’s simple answer.

The federal officials asked the escapees if they were involved in German submarine operations off the Maine

Source 4 - Document

Source 5 - Artifact

Freedom & Captivity Primary Source Sets developed in collaboration between the Maine State Archives, Maine State Library, and Maine State Museum.

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