Maine Industry Primary Source Sets

How do people handle challenges in the workplace?

Two quotes from factory workers comparing their work environments.



Source 1 - Document

A blue flag with gold trim and fringe. The flag reads 'Ships Carpenters Union Number 1953, Instituted Oct 17 1917, Portland Maine". There is a symbol in the middle of the flag that shows an anchor, an arm holding a hammer on a white shield and the mason's compass and set square.

Source 2 - Image

A large group of people standing outside a brick factory building. One man holds a sign that said 'The strike is on, don't scab, it's now or never.' The crowd of people includes men, women, children and a police officer.

Source 3 - Image

A group of teenagers and children, both boys and girls standing next to factory looms. There is one adult man in the picture.

Source 4 - Image

Excerpt from Governor John W. Dana’s message to the Senate, May 7, 1850

“No minor under the age of sixteen years shall be employed in any labor for any manufacturing or other corporation for more than ten hours in any one day…”

“It may, perhaps, be assumed that this is a subject, which may be safely left to the discretion of parents, and that therefore, legislative regulations are unnecessary.  In other countries, it has been thus left to the discretion of parents, and a numerous, degraded population are now reaping the consequences in misery and wretchedness.”

“The earnings of the child constitute an ever present temptation to the parent, to impose upon him toil and confinement, inconsistent with a full development, which can only be acquired under the discipline of home and the schoolroom, and in the enjoyment of the free air of Heaven.”

Source 5 - Document

Maine Industry Primary Source Sets developed in collaboration between the Maine State Archives, Maine State Library, and Maine State Museum.

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